Other installers
Our community is always working on new features and improvements for Northstar.
Frontier Defense The beloved PvE mode in Northstar. Both in its vanilla version as well as extended with cut content and extra features.
Mod Auto Download Download custom mods such as gamemodes and maps when joining a server in a safe way.
Party System Implement the vanilla party system so you can group up with friends and join servers together.

Mapping tools
Titanfall 1 maps Bringing maps from Titanfall 1 into Northstar.
Custom maps Create tools for building custom maps so that the community can create their own maps.

Modding improvements
Custom RUI Reverse Respawn's UI system to allow for custom crosshairs and UI elements.
Modded Persistence Reverse and extend the persistence system to allow players to store custom weapons and Titans in their loadouts.

...whatever the future holds Do you have an idea for Northstar? Wanna help? Join our Discord and talk to us!

Community Trailers
Missing your trailer from this list? Feel free to open a pull request to add it.
If you're having issues with running or setting up the Northstar client or are thinking of running a dedicated server you can find help and troubleshooting tips on the wiki and the Discord server: