Birthday’s Parkour tournament
Happy second anniversary, Northstar!
To celebrate two years of existence, we decided to organize a competition between all players to see who’s the fastest: this blog post tells the story of the Parkour mod’s origin and development, and showcases results of this first Parkour tournament.
Developer storyPermalink
Origin of the modPermalink
When I was younger, I loved going to my friends’ houses, set up a local network, and play some LAN games. These games included Counter Strike 1.6, Warcraft 3, and Trackmania; if you don’t know the last, it’s a car game where you have to reach a finish line, crossing a set of checkpoints as fast as you can (rings a bell, right?).
I also spend lots of (probably more than I should) time on World of Warcraft, whose latest expansion, named Dragonflight, released a similar feature dubbed “Dragonriding races”.
At some point, I thought: “That would be a great mod idea for Northstar!”. I would call it “Parkour”.
Since developing this mod basically resolved to develop a multiplayer version of the single-player Gauntlet mission, I could reuse a lot of assets from it, including starting/finish lines visuals, speed indicator and scoreboards. For other entities I had to improvise: for instance, the model used for checkpoints is actually a Titan shield, colored in green :)
Initial development of the mod only included a local scoreboard, where you could see scores of players in the current match; we then thought it would be cool to have a way to save your personal best time for each map, which led me to develop a scoring server to save scores for all players in all maps, and an associated web scoreboard, to maintain competition between players:
Once the scoring server was set up, I deployed Parkour servers in Europe, North America and Australia during twelve days, which led to 367 players scoring a time on a map (maybe more tried, but couldn’t finish a route? We’ll never know).
We received a lot of feedback about Parkour which gave us lots of ideas to improve it for the next tournament, and I thank you all for that.
This Parkour tournament was also a good opportunity to test mod auto-downloading in live conditions, if you’re curious about this feature, I wrote another blog post describing it in details.
To celebrate Northstar’s second birthday and the parkour tournament, we asked the community some help with trailers, and got an amazing one from P3NG00N:
We were also lucky enough to have Evan Boymel, voice actor of Viper, make a voice-over for another trailer from Dionysus9517:
Associated YouTube short from Evan:
Closing wordsPermalink
I was really surprised seeing the Titanfall 2 speedrunning community, including Dadadu2711, taking over the mod and breaking the routes I designed in ways I never heard of previously: grav star boosting, EPG boosting… There were discussions about the best ways to improve scores; I feel like there was a good competitive spirit within this tournament, that’s definitely something I plan to redo in the future!
I want to thank all players that participated in that first tournament, and all developers + play testers who helped make this mod what it is today.
See you all on the Frontier!
Parkour tournament resultsPermalink
Example route from Chill_spiritPermalink
Final placingPermalink
Position | Player name | Time (seconds) |
1 | Cash_Mayo | 28.117 |
2 | bertybhoy22 | 31.033 |
3 | Dadadu2711 | 31.250 |
4 | DarkwinV1 | 31.650 |
5 | chilll_spirit | 33.650 |
6 | PopBom | 34.850 |
7 | PilotGSPL | 36.250 |
8 | DeedVoid | 36.417 |
9 | EB200321 | 37.417 |
10 | DobryZuber | 37.867 |
11 | justneptune | 38.183 |
12 | RNM91835189 | 38.217 |
13 | FddgeNugget | 39.250 |
14 | H00man | 39.567 |
15 | ilycit | 40.033 |
16 | matsRLS | 40.617 |
17 | Blaidan360 | 40.783 |
18 | monzuul | 41.050 |
19 | My_BouncyBall | 41.150 |
20 | ChristDillinger | 41.533 |
21 | P3NG000N | 41.600 |
22 | emem_dash | 41.633 |
23 | Ryukaro | 41.983 |
24 | StarKiller3909 | 42.033 |
25 | melonmadegrenade | 42.950 |
26 | paradies_so | 43.667 |
27 | 1500TropicalFish | 43.883 |
28 | AmazingShurtle | 44.167 |
29 | Crazy_CAR27 | 44.333 |
30 | J4GE | 44.333 |
31 | mewnEatsCrayons | 44.450 |
32 | hey_Uncle_Phil | 44.600 |
33 | braveGNUworld | 44.600 |
34 | ThatLegendsGuy | 44.917 |
35 | Nonname123C | 45.150 |
36 | Yuccuh | 45.333 |
37 | GeckoEidechse | 46.600 |
38 | ineedpickles | 46.650 |
39 | SectionGeneral | 47.233 |
40 | Gromit | 47.283 |
41 | Wonkierlinx360 | 47.550 |
42 | Ned_was_taken | 47.617 |
43 | E3VL | 47.934 |
44 | RobertGerkens | 48.000 |
45 | PwnagePotato64 | 48.400 |
46 | S1mpl3Dude | 48.733 |
47 | mochaamochi | 49.633 |
48 | RayIeiqh | 49.667 |
49 | svenosss | 50.117 |
50 | looksfinetome | 50.267 |
51 | Jheeazy | 50.650 |
52 | Cdazx | 50.833 |
53 | Yirons | 50.967 |
54 | Stefzxc | 51.167 |
55 | alice_uwuu | 51.517 |
56 | EladNLG | 51.567 |
57 | tinyRoboticist | 51.583 |
58 | holalho | 51.767 |
59 | Archangel_Pasta | 51.817 |
60 | CooldudePUGS | 51.867 |
61 | Diode_VAR | 51.933 |
62 | swtufh | 52.033 |
63 | Katuro117 | 52.183 |
64 | iLuvBenyFlyy | 52.267 |
65 | BRUH_MKI | 52.283 |
66 | lBeckett | 52.333 |
67 | Harbb__ | 52.717 |
68 | Xfighter312 | 52.833 |
69 | Cerealxkiller73 | 52.833 |
70 | Septro31 | 53.633 |
71 | BudderMuffins | 53.833 |
72 | Bluestuffaaaa | 53.834 |
73 | LobusRex | 53.850 |
74 | uuts_that-smoke | 54.000 |
75 | Uber_GrandPanzer | 54.250 |
76 | Locke_f00k_Ea | 54.433 |
77 | User_disconnect | 54.800 |
78 | Jennyann7997 | 54.950 |
79 | Kolpy_Uno | 54.983 |
80 | Alystrasz | 55.000 |
81 | GamingZeether | 55.067 |
82 | Maechy | 55.117 |
83 | Finnstera350 | 55.117 |
84 | ONIPIKA-1 | 55.217 |
85 | ILIKEAWALL | 55.533 |
86 | Fr0sty543 | 55.700 |
87 | DelayZuber | 55.867 |
88 | KillTrio-BgTT | 55.867 |
89 | Ryno2 | 55.917 |
90 | tim03legeek | 56.017 |
91 | Bangbang5201 | 56.083 |
92 | Tumpp1xel | 56.133 |
93 | DurgenTheFirst | 56.250 |
94 | Nickname241b | 56.417 |
95 | kero654 | 56.533 |
96 | lexvi1 | 56.567 |
97 | Dratam | 56.583 |
98 | rhodes_the_cat | 57.283 |
99 | OddComms | 57.467 |
100 | Gamecrusher24 | 57.617 |
101 | WafflesRVeryNice | 57.717 |
102 | womble_xo | 57.983 |
103 | ButcherBee1 | 58.050 |
104 | CoachD97 | 58.167 |
105 | IronLordLoki | 58.183 |
106 | RoyalBlood999 | 58.333 |
107 | MrFail3r | 58.350 |
108 | SomeSoggyToast25 | 58.450 |
109 | LIALIALIALIAEMI | 58.567 |
110 | sussyboy2609 | 58.700 |
111 | CatPlanter292 | 59.183 |
112 | OddStuffAreCool | 59.250 |
113 | IggyForShort | 59.467 |
114 | PliantShark | 59.483 |
115 | emankciNretnE | 59.600 |
116 | FV0lt | 59.600 |
117 | Robotmind4 | 59.800 |
118 | ZeanButZane | 59.833 |
119 | scoutsnumber1 | 59.900 |
120 | PesterTheMester | 60.000 |
121 | Emeron420 | 60.033 |
122 | 4060Ti8G | 60.517 |
123 | pg9182 | 60.767 |
124 | mattytherat | 60.785 |
125 | BruhBonn | 60.800 |
126 | Lenin-Da-Lemon | 60.933 |
127 | GalacticMoblin01 | 61.000 |
128 | ItsJoeyG | 61.033 |
129 | Obama_Gaming23 | 61.083 |
130 | Animator_533 | 61.233 |
131 | VenomousDarkrai | 61.267 |
132 | ChibiNaotoGaming | 61.283 |
133 | xhoopAngelReborn | 61.800 |
134 | Vultroustomb31 | 61.965 |
135 | EvilGrandpappy | 62.300 |
136 | joseGFX | 62.350 |
137 | BlasterManGuy | 62.383 |
138 | papermaster24 | 62.383 |
139 | m2ytt9W | 62.400 |
140 | ImaCat42 | 62.500 |
141 | CragyCreates | 63.083 |
142 | CotonCarnage | 63.233 |
143 | kisvalek | 63.417 |
144 | Rorenhyme | 63.567 |
145 | Bop5916_ | 63.833 |
146 | Delta_exe | 64.150 |
147 | Divadoooo | 64.400 |
148 | Arknight38 | 64.633 |
149 | DzerlaDobarCovek | 64.850 |
150 | Hurbskideez | 64.900 |
151 | calamariiiiiii | 65.133 |
152 | chejoroki | 65.148 |
153 | KorbyV4 | 65.883 |
154 | Nokariii | 65.950 |
155 | AbyssalFlame11 | 66.133 |
156 | Jakanader | 66.467 |
157 | Racecardriver05 | 66.483 |
158 | BoundIvy | 67.082 |
159 | KennyXCuervo | 67.417 |
160 | matadish | 67.567 |
161 | fr4gmast3r | 67.600 |
162 | ColdSLeader | 67.617 |
163 | tjppj918 | 67.683 |
164 | RubricGibbon8520 | 67.983 |
165 | GlitchSlayed | 68.300 |
166 | ElFamosoMothix | 68.833 |
167 | TechnicDesert28 | 68.883 |
168 | mitieusz | 68.933 |
169 | ChaoticShort | 69.200 |
170 | iiLars | 69.250 |
171 | orikpio | 69.483 |
172 | CharacterCarp08 | 69.483 |
173 | Hex585 | 69.656 |
174 | maIapasta | 69.667 |
175 | hearthburst | 69.683 |
176 | SpookyDookie64 | 70.000 |
177 | The-0v3rki113r | 71.033 |
178 | argon-42 | 71.616 |
179 | asatthegame | 71.667 |
180 | cua75 | 71.917 |
181 | Supcio | 71.933 |
182 | Exof0rger | 72.017 |
183 | LiterallyAnfrew | 72.317 |
184 | Stormhawk010 | 72.483 |
185 | juan6212 | 72.583 |
186 | ArisuTW | 72.900 |
187 | fireheat324 | 72.967 |
188 | Karasoka | 74.583 |
189 | Andreyeyeyeye | 74.650 |
190 | zel70nk4 | 74.733 |
191 | EmeraldOne785 | 75.633 |
192 | TrainerRed_0 | 75.833 |
193 | V1PER_tw | 76.450 |
194 | feorxw | 76.817 |
195 | Python1465 | 76.933 |
196 | A_Vaping_Cat | 77.317 |
197 | lightlysilly | 77.700 |
198 | windonmountains | 77.917 |
199 | Leo_The_Egg | 78.633 |
200 | USeR_bloodrage | 79.983 |
201 | DangerTurtle125 | 81.217 |
202 | Draakoor | 81.467 |
203 | EPGhaha | 82.000 |
204 | Djamdude318 | 82.550 |
205 | Dionysus9517 | 82.583 |
206 | OneFoxAlone | 84.133 |
207 | Woozy_Whit_A_Hat | 84.767 |
208 | BoIdhat | 86.050 |
209 | YourTastyMelon | 86.733 |
210 | Redvanguard1025 | 87.100 |
211 | MicahTGpro1 | 88.283 |
212 | rookient | 88.400 |
213 | Blue-onControler | 88.600 |
214 | alfr3do_98 | 90.200 |
215 | Xx_ghost_xX13435 | 92.719 |
216 | dariuscosmoait | 94.200 |
217 | Jamesbwa1 | 96.917 |
218 | Scrimnox | 98.783 |
219 | EspressoDrink01 | 108.167 |
220 | Zytians | 110.332 |
221 | wlw_cowboy | 110.900 |
222 | PumpaLumpa1338 | 112.300 |
223 | ttek9 | 128.467 |
224 | Flame1367 | 140.667 |
Angel CityPermalink
Example route from DadaduPermalink
Final placingPermalink
Position | Player name | Time (seconds) |
1 | Dadadu2711 | 21.083 |
2 | bertybhoy22 | 22.583 |
3 | Cash_Mayo | 22.683 |
4 | chilll_spirit | 22.933 |
5 | DarkwinV1 | 23.450 |
6 | matsRLS | 24.517 |
7 | PopBom | 26.000 |
8 | DeedVoid | 26.367 |
9 | DobryZuber | 26.483 |
10 | justneptune | 26.900 |
11 | monzuul | 27.183 |
12 | braveGNUworld | 27.517 |
13 | PilotGSPL | 27.900 |
14 | ChristDillinger | 28.167 |
15 | EB200321 | 28.467 |
16 | mewnEatsCrayons | 28.633 |
17 | P3NG000N | 28.767 |
18 | RNM91835189 | 29.300 |
19 | FddgeNugget | 30.700 |
20 | Ryukaro | 30.783 |
21 | H00man | 30.800 |
22 | AmazingShurtle | 30.883 |
23 | paradies_so | 31.100 |
24 | hey_Uncle_Phil | 31.233 |
25 | ThatLegendsGuy | 31.467 |
26 | melonmadegrenade | 31.483 |
27 | J4GE | 31.850 |
28 | mochaamochi | 32.117 |
29 | zerytoe | 32.167 |
30 | Diode_VAR | 32.183 |
31 | uuts_that-smoke | 32.267 |
32 | SectionGeneral | 32.283 |
33 | Blaidan360 | 32.400 |
34 | LobusRex | 32.500 |
35 | SleepPatterns | 32.550 |
36 | S1mpl3Dude | 33.150 |
37 | GeckoEidechse | 33.300 |
38 | svenosss | 33.367 |
39 | looksfinetome | 33.500 |
40 | Wonkierlinx360 | 33.583 |
41 | Nonname123C | 33.600 |
42 | Ned_was_taken | 33.667 |
43 | emem_dash | 33.717 |
44 | Gamecrusher24 | 33.750 |
45 | My_BouncyBall | 34.167 |
46 | StarKiller3909 | 34.200 |
47 | PwnagePotato64 | 34.367 |
48 | Stefzxc | 34.617 |
49 | RobertGerkens | 34.817 |
50 | Septro31 | 35.017 |
51 | Yirons | 35.417 |
52 | WafflesRVeryNice | 35.717 |
53 | rhodes_the_cat | 35.917 |
54 | Emeron420 | 36.183 |
55 | ILIKEAWALL | 36.283 |
56 | Uber_GrandPanzer | 36.750 |
57 | E3VL | 36.767 |
58 | EladNLG | 37.083 |
59 | SomeSoggyToast25 | 37.550 |
60 | AviLolz | 37.633 |
61 | tim03legeek | 37.633 |
62 | kero654 | 37.800 |
63 | Yuccuh | 37.883 |
64 | Gaban_Killasta05 | 37.917 |
65 | Finnstera350 | 37.917 |
66 | ineedpickles | 38.117 |
67 | USeR_bloodrage | 38.199 |
68 | kisvalek | 38.333 |
69 | GamingZeether | 38.450 |
70 | Nonogn | 38.567 |
71 | LPM-CJ-DayLight | 38.641 |
72 | coolkubo19 | 38.966 |
73 | Zokn3 | 38.967 |
74 | sussyboy2609 | 39.050 |
75 | That_Damn_Dragon | 39.050 |
76 | lexvi1 | 39.300 |
77 | PliantShark | 39.533 |
78 | Maechy | 40.067 |
79 | RoyalBlood999 | 40.183 |
80 | Animator_533 | 40.417 |
81 | BruhBonn | 40.417 |
82 | Fr0sty543 | 40.517 |
83 | Hytermak | 40.583 |
84 | CoachD97 | 40.650 |
85 | enderboy9217yt | 40.717 |
86 | TheRagebot1302 | 40.783 |
87 | Jennyann7997 | 40.917 |
88 | Katuro117 | 40.950 |
89 | Hex585 | 41.000 |
90 | BRUH_MKI | 41.133 |
91 | KillTrio-BgTT | 41.183 |
92 | Obama_Gaming23 | 41.317 |
93 | Alystrasz | 41.433 |
94 | GalacticMoblin01 | 41.650 |
95 | AbyssalFlame11 | 42.750 |
96 | OddComms | 42.833 |
97 | CooldudePUGS | 42.867 |
98 | Locke_f00k_Ea | 43.100 |
99 | DurgenTheFirst | 43.100 |
100 | GreenAce3821 | 43.317 |
101 | swtufh | 43.467 |
102 | iihateyou21 | 43.500 |
103 | User_disconnect | 43.567 |
104 | glueboyjoe | 43.683 |
105 | Karasoka | 43.750 |
106 | cat_or_not | 43.817 |
107 | weegpp | 43.983 |
108 | MountYoshino | 44.350 |
109 | ElFamosoMothix | 44.917 |
110 | Jheeazy | 45.100 |
111 | RayIeiqh | 45.117 |
112 | OddStuffAreCool | 45.250 |
113 | InWeNa | 45.283 |
114 | TheRatOfficial | 45.383 |
115 | Shay-Khulud | 45.450 |
116 | XSDDRF43RE | 45.467 |
117 | Juli0q | 45.550 |
118 | FV0lt | 45.883 |
119 | tinyRoboticist | 45.883 |
120 | Ryno2 | 46.200 |
121 | holalho | 46.583 |
122 | Flaming_Kunia | 46.917 |
123 | spunkyymonky | 47.000 |
124 | BURAN508 | 47.067 |
125 | DzerlaDobarCovek | 47.150 |
126 | Nickname241b | 47.350 |
127 | ArisuTW | 47.350 |
128 | Harbb__ | 47.683 |
129 | krisupperxd | 47.733 |
130 | 4060Ti8G | 47.900 |
131 | Defau1t0 | 48.183 |
132 | CotonCarnage | 48.450 |
133 | Ben11pearson | 48.600 |
134 | BLUETIMETHREE | 48.850 |
135 | abugonzo_14 | 49.117 |
136 | ToxicShakal | 49.317 |
137 | Racecardriver05 | 49.417 |
138 | BlasterManGuy | 49.500 |
139 | TrainerRed_0 | 49.517 |
140 | Magic479 | 49.683 |
141 | PesterTheMester | 49.833 |
142 | PanHorno | 50.067 |
143 | Tumpp1xel | 50.283 |
144 | BlueTealAqua | 50.700 |
145 | Kolpy_Uno | 50.733 |
146 | LiterallyAnfrew | 50.750 |
147 | fetchin1 | 50.917 |
148 | DashyTheFoxxo | 51.083 |
149 | Caram03 | 51.134 |
150 | ashleyyyzZ_09 | 51.217 |
151 | ItsJoeyG | 51.850 |
152 | BoundIvy | 52.183 |
153 | Lenin-Da-Lemon | 52.367 |
154 | St00ge | 53.383 |
155 | 6666234234 | 53.400 |
156 | Cloudbounce | 53.767 |
157 | Hurbskideez | 53.783 |
158 | pg9182 | 53.817 |
159 | wyxudagxo7oe | 53.917 |
160 | The_taskinoz | 54.406 |
161 | Gung1111 | 54.867 |
162 | DNI4E | 54.967 |
163 | Paradox_Loop | 55.117 |
164 | Archangel_Pasta | 55.333 |
165 | Jxnrau | 55.583 |
166 | overtlion968863 | 55.617 |
167 | IronMayo | 55.750 |
168 | TrilogyVR | 56.383 |
169 | mexquT | 56.566 |
170 | xhoopAngelReborn | 56.567 |
171 | YourTastyMelon | 56.700 |
172 | dtb3218 | 56.750 |
173 | Trumcon1 | 57.233 |
174 | GlitchSlayed | 57.267 |
175 | papermaster24 | 57.333 |
176 | EPGhaha | 57.533 |
177 | Mikai_Kakami | 57.950 |
178 | lightlysilly | 58.300 |
179 | hearthburst | 59.300 |
180 | dariuscosmoait | 59.417 |
181 | orikpio | 59.450 |
182 | IggyForShort | 59.517 |
183 | argon-42 | 59.750 |
184 | RupeeCollecter | 60.467 |
185 | koooooonisch | 60.500 |
186 | AntuksOWL | 60.817 |
187 | NecrXw | 60.933 |
188 | HatlessCookie26 | 61.083 |
189 | Tiranus58 | 61.400 |
190 | juan6212 | 61.817 |
191 | pikmin232 | 62.133 |
192 | TechnicDesert28 | 62.300 |
193 | scoutsnumber1 | 62.367 |
194 | Relicopterr | 62.517 |
195 | s-a092 | 63.400 |
196 | Artemissy_exe | 65.133 |
197 | nn_ebb_flow | 65.316 |
198 | Xx_ghost_xX13435 | 65.367 |
199 | Mark109K | 67.233 |
200 | Beanleeee | 67.467 |
201 | UZI_TRIGGERR | 67.834 |
202 | Xiranim | 68.033 |
203 | SolShine-Seal | 68.933 |
204 | mephill91 | 70.250 |
205 | Flame1367 | 72.600 |
206 | 722243 | 73.017 |
207 | IronLordLoki | 73.317 |
208 | RoughNewt | 73.750 |
209 | xdPenguin287 | 75.300 |
210 | tap11111111 | 75.900 |
211 | Blue-onControler | 77.650 |
212 | UrFavCylon | 79.200 |
213 | Ragnar_Thorr | 80.567 |
214 | ChaoticShort | 85.633 |
215 | GodofDeathgods | 85.717 |
216 | ImaCat42 | 87.517 |
217 | AksiMozok | 107.317 |
218 | xSkyWordx | 115.567 |
219 | paintedwolf0070 | 156.667 |
220 | TopRival75 | 231.933 |
War GamesPermalink
Example route from Cash MayoPermalink
Final placingPermalink
Position | Player name | Time (seconds) |
1 | bertybhoy22 | 26.400 |
2 | Dadadu2711 | 28.283 |
3 | Cash_Mayo | 29.750 |
4 | chilll_spirit | 30.167 |
5 | DarkwinV1 | 30.267 |
6 | matsRLS | 33.983 |
7 | DobryZuber | 34.583 |
8 | DeedVoid | 36.400 |
9 | PopBom | 36.467 |
10 | mewnEatsCrayons | 37.117 |
11 | P3NG000N | 37.200 |
12 | PilotGSPL | 37.483 |
13 | justneptune | 37.817 |
14 | H00man | 38.100 |
15 | Blaidan360 | 38.117 |
16 | My_BouncyBall | 38.767 |
17 | ThatLegendsGuy | 38.967 |
18 | ilycit | 40.250 |
19 | monzuul | 40.417 |
20 | ChristDillinger | 40.633 |
21 | paradies_so | 40.867 |
22 | Ryukaro | 40.933 |
23 | braveGNUworld | 41.150 |
24 | EB200321 | 41.350 |
25 | J4GE | 41.733 |
26 | RNM91835189 | 42.550 |
27 | FddgeNugget | 43.417 |
28 | looksfinetome | 44.000 |
29 | Uber_GrandPanzer | 44.100 |
30 | melonmadegrenade | 44.133 |
31 | AmazingShurtle | 44.250 |
32 | PwnagePotato64 | 44.650 |
33 | Wonkierlinx360 | 44.867 |
34 | hey_Uncle_Phil | 44.867 |
35 | uuts_that-smoke | 45.167 |
36 | xDaan11 | 45.750 |
37 | Gamecrusher24 | 45.800 |
38 | Ned_was_taken | 46.200 |
39 | Xfighter312 | 46.283 |
40 | Nonname123C | 46.383 |
41 | ineedpickles | 46.667 |
42 | Archangel_Pasta | 46.833 |
43 | Septro31 | 46.867 |
44 | emem_dash | 47.050 |
45 | E3VL | 47.100 |
46 | Harbb__ | 47.700 |
47 | StarKiller3909 | 47.900 |
48 | RobertGerkens | 48.217 |
49 | 20thUSPresident | 48.250 |
50 | CoachD97 | 48.317 |
51 | zerytoe | 49.100 |
52 | iihateyou21 | 49.150 |
53 | Zokn3 | 49.300 |
54 | Stefzxc | 49.317 |
55 | GeckoEidechse | 49.417 |
56 | Diode_VAR | 49.467 |
57 | Crazy_CAR27 | 49.533 |
58 | Yirons | 49.567 |
59 | CooldudePUGS | 49.617 |
60 | Katuro117 | 50.067 |
61 | Maechy | 50.083 |
62 | svenosss | 50.217 |
63 | RayIeiqh | 50.550 |
64 | SleepPatterns | 50.783 |
65 | ImaCat42 | 51.100 |
66 | PliantShark | 51.283 |
67 | enderboy9217yt | 51.417 |
68 | mochaamochi | 51.850 |
69 | InWeNa | 52.200 |
70 | BruhBonn | 52.533 |
71 | juuzzee | 52.550 |
72 | DurgenTheFirst | 52.567 |
73 | Emeron420 | 53.433 |
74 | HiyaImGeo | 53.583 |
75 | lexvi1 | 53.650 |
76 | USeR_bloodrage | 53.817 |
77 | Lenin-Da-Lemon | 54.000 |
78 | Cerealxkiller73 | 54.167 |
79 | rhodes_the_cat | 54.483 |
80 | The_taskinoz | 54.533 |
81 | glueboyjoe | 54.583 |
82 | Nokariii | 54.650 |
83 | SomeSoggyToast25 | 54.750 |
84 | DarkNebur1 | 54.883 |
85 | kero654 | 55.100 |
86 | tim03legeek | 55.217 |
87 | Jennyann7997 | 55.283 |
88 | GreenAce3821 | 55.733 |
89 | Joe_See_Fuss | 55.733 |
90 | Nickname241b | 55.917 |
91 | ToxicShakal | 55.950 |
92 | Finnstera350 | 56.000 |
93 | BRUH_MKI | 56.150 |
94 | caliswagilistic | 56.200 |
95 | leigasd | 56.233 |
96 | Rorenhyme | 56.300 |
97 | Jerdherder | 56.433 |
98 | cat_or_not | 56.483 |
99 | GamingZeether | 56.617 |
100 | TheRagebot1302 | 56.633 |
101 | Supcio | 56.817 |
102 | TrainerRed_0 | 57.083 |
103 | swtufh | 57.350 |
104 | vaffelbolle | 57.983 |
105 | FV0lt | 58.100 |
106 | emankciNretnE | 58.150 |
107 | spunkyymonky | 58.150 |
108 | EladNLG | 58.167 |
109 | WafflesRVeryNice | 58.267 |
110 | ArisuTW | 58.283 |
111 | ButcherBee1 | 58.333 |
112 | TheRatOfficial | 58.517 |
113 | DzerlaDobarCovek | 58.550 |
114 | Alystrasz | 58.767 |
115 | pillows1616 | 58.900 |
116 | Ryno2 | 59.033 |
117 | Hurbskideez | 59.148 |
118 | ONIPIKA-1 | 59.250 |
119 | Locke_f00k_Ea | 59.350 |
120 | Shay-Khulud | 60.017 |
121 | Tumpp1xel | 60.033 |
122 | xhoopAngelReborn | 60.133 |
123 | ElFamosoMothix | 60.150 |
124 | Kolpy_Uno | 60.167 |
125 | 1500TropicalFish | 60.250 |
126 | Nonogn | 60.283 |
127 | KillTrio-BgTT | 60.583 |
128 | GalacticMoblin01 | 60.602 |
129 | kisvalek | 60.717 |
130 | PYRiTEmonark | 60.750 |
131 | Defau1t0 | 60.767 |
132 | Electrionikal | 60.883 |
133 | AbyssalFlame11 | 61.267 |
134 | scoutsnumber1 | 61.300 |
135 | papermaster24 | 61.350 |
136 | m2ytt9W | 61.383 |
137 | lightlysilly | 61.433 |
138 | sussyboy2609 | 61.817 |
139 | AviLolz | 61.983 |
140 | AntuksOWL | 62.033 |
141 | Racecardriver05 | 62.133 |
142 | OddStuffAreCool | 62.167 |
143 | slightrr | 62.500 |
144 | overtlion968863 | 62.533 |
145 | Hex585 | 62.617 |
146 | Kzx209 | 62.717 |
147 | MountYoshino | 63.217 |
148 | Dionysus9517 | 63.250 |
149 | BudderMuffins | 63.417 |
150 | Creator_APP | 63.517 |
151 | cua75 | 63.667 |
152 | CotonCarnage | 63.800 |
153 | IronLordLoki | 63.950 |
154 | LobusRex | 64.084 |
155 | BulletMemes | 64.100 |
156 | RoyalBlood999 | 64.250 |
157 | hammer658 | 64.250 |
158 | argon-42 | 64.283 |
159 | fr4gmast3r | 64.297 |
160 | Scripps | 64.433 |
161 | Xiranim | 64.667 |
162 | pg9182 | 64.683 |
163 | PesterTheMester | 64.950 |
164 | Hytermak | 65.050 |
165 | matadish | 65.100 |
166 | progunner05 | 65.217 |
167 | Animator_533 | 65.400 |
168 | JohnLemon48 | 65.517 |
169 | shir0fail | 65.550 |
170 | HatlessCookie26 | 65.683 |
171 | BlasterManGuy | 65.700 |
172 | RupeeCollecter | 65.717 |
173 | joseGFX | 65.817 |
174 | 4060Ti8G | 65.867 |
175 | SpookyDookie64 | 65.967 |
176 | ando_the_exalted | 66.733 |
177 | Ndobss | 67.817 |
178 | Gromit | 68.133 |
179 | patchwil | 68.200 |
180 | Andreyeyeyeye | 68.650 |
181 | GlitchSlayed | 69.250 |
182 | TechnicDesert28 | 69.517 |
183 | Xx_ghost_xX13435 | 69.633 |
184 | EMECHAE213A | 70.217 |
185 | moussrider29 | 71.067 |
186 | wh1t3_shadxw | 72.217 |
187 | Dawid_Kyoto | 72.767 |
188 | Allagon76 | 73.050 |
189 | JohnBidonJOe | 73.383 |
190 | Velestia24 | 73.500 |
191 | PanHorno | 73.600 |
192 | Magic479 | 73.700 |
193 | Stormhawk010 | 73.783 |
194 | Blue-onControler | 73.950 |
195 | Fr0sty543 | 73.983 |
196 | CptAsswipe | 74.150 |
197 | TheBreedableFox | 74.583 |
198 | orikpio | 75.167 |
199 | Dratam | 75.233 |
200 | dingoatemykids7 | 75.550 |
201 | bomb267 | 76.583 |
202 | METAL_Origin2008 | 76.650 |
203 | OneFoxAlone | 76.666 |
204 | Uncensored_Grim | 76.666 |
205 | UrFavCylon | 77.000 |
206 | dariuscosmoait | 77.033 |
207 | fireheat324 | 77.467 |
208 | Scrimnox | 79.050 |
209 | kmijjj | 79.547 |
210 | tovasumaz564 | 80.383 |
211 | ChaoticShort | 82.050 |
212 | tylerdotexe | 82.117 |
213 | PaladinNezha | 82.283 |
214 | Zytians | 82.350 |
215 | VAit13 | 82.833 |
216 | AstosH | 83.533 |
217 | NotTheMonch | 84.551 |
218 | maly_baklarzan | 84.783 |
219 | anavin8649 | 87.584 |
220 | glizzyboy121 | 87.700 |
221 | Zwariowany-zwar | 89.366 |
222 | EZLIVING_Berjer | 89.916 |
223 | ADEPS24 | 90.083 |
224 | Jamesbwa1 | 91.650 |
225 | 12yug12uyg3 | 92.450 |
226 | Mindl3ssCr3ator | 94.967 |
227 | batterysniper | 95.500 |
228 | azarado834 | 97.850 |
229 | Awakerr | 99.850 |
230 | Djamdude318 | 100.067 |
231 | A-Known-Enemy07 | 106.783 |
232 | SpookyLizerd | 107.833 |
233 | itxDrother | 131.770 |
234 | arch_grey027 | 204.667 |
235 | juan6212 | 211.567 |